

  • The volume of an object is how much space it takes up. This cube has a volume of:
    (2cm)3 = 2cm × 2cm × 2cm = 8cm3.

  • Volume is measured in units of m3 ("metres cubed") for large objects, or cm3 ("centimetres cubed") for smaller objects.

  • Another unit is ml ("millilitre"). 1ml is identical to 1cm3, but is generally used for volumes of liquids. This water bottle can hold 500ml of liquid. This is the same as 500cm3!

  • The volume of an irregular (i.e. ‘weirdly-shaped’) solid can be found by using a Eureka can. A eureka can and a measuring cylinder. Putting a solid object (e.g. a watch) in water moves some water upwards. The volume of the water that has moved is the same as the volume of the solid object.



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